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허튼짓, 헛짓/Krasnahorkai, Laszlo

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by 어정버정 2024. 12. 3.


헤르슈트를 이해하기 위해 필요한 현대 독일, 튀링겐의 역사적 배경 및 갈등, 2차대전전 튀링겐을 필두로 세력을 얻어가는 나치의 발원과 동서독의 통일 이후 네오나치 세력의 비등, 극우파의 득세에 대해 알아야 한다는 점에서 아랫글을 적어둔다. 

He explained that this denial meant those who still shared Hitler’s ideologies were never properly confronted, adding that this was why the far right in what used to be East Germany “was always more militant and violent” than in the regions that formed West Germany. 

Then, in the early 1990s after the country reunified, around 20% of workers in former East Germany lost jobs at formerly state-owned companies. “There was a vacuum of authority that the far right took advantage of,” Quent explained. Neo-nazis from other parts of the country flocked to the former East Germany where they could recruit among the many left disoriented and unemployed. “Those neo-Nazi youths didn’t disappear — they grew up, they entered the middle class and became rooted in society,” Quent said.

Much of the former East Germany experienced similar problems, but Thuringia’s remote geography – a fertile central plain bounded by heavily forested hill and mountain ranges – allowed militant groups to flourish. They established meeting venues, record labels, publishing houses and even fashion labels. Symbols and phrases used by the Nazi regime were banned but others were adopted including the valknut, a Norse symbol associated with Odin. The most notorious of these groups was the National Socialist Underground (NSU), a terror cell that formed in Thuringia and murdered nine people from migrant backgrounds between 2001 and 2010. In 2022, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution estimated there were 2,400 potential right-wing extremists in Thuringia and yet authorities have been criticised by human rights groups for their slowness in dealing with these violent groups.

Historically, Thuringia has not had much exposure to outsiders. Before reunification, migration to East Germany was limited to workers from other socialist countries who were segregated from the German population. This demographic changed dramatically in 2015, when former Chancellor Angela Merkel took in a million people fleeing wars in the Middle East and distributed them in reception centres in towns and villages across the country, many of which had never housed foreigners before. Thuringia now has three reception centres. 




Why is the far right thriving in Thuringia?

The east German state was the first to vote in anti-immigrant party the AfD. For thousands of Muslim asylum seekers living there, safety is an ever-growing concern



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